Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR Ubiquest, Ubiquitous Quest: declarative approach for integrated network and data management in wireless multi-hop networks, with Grenoble Institute of Technology (Christine Collet, Christophe Bobineau), 2009-2012


Participant : Stéphane Frénot.

Software quality and patterns of security frauds are directly related to legal liability patterns but, so far, software providers have succeeded in limiting their legal liability for their products. The increasing dependence of society on software changes the situation however, and calls for stronger liability rules.

The precise definition of the expected functionalities of software products is quite a challenge, not to mention the use of such definition as a basis for a liability agreement. Taking up this challenge is precisely the objective of the LISE project. To achieve this goal, software liability is addressed both from the legal and the technical points of view with the aim to put forward methods (1) to define liability in a precise and legally sound way and (2) to establish liability in case of incident. http://licit.inrialpes.fr/lise/


Participant : Antoine Fraboulet.

The purpose of the SensLAB project is to deploy a very large scale open wireless sensor network platform. SensLAB's main and most important goal is to offer an accurate and efficient scientific tool to help in the design, development, tuning, and experimentation of real large-scale sensor network applications.

Amazones contributes to the Senslab project through the participation of Antoine Fraboulet who was involved in the early project design phases and through the use of the software simulation suite WSNet, WSim and eSimu in the Senslab project.

ADT SensTools

Participant : Antoine Fraboulet.

SensTools is a national INRIA ADT. The project ended in 2010, the final review was held in Lyon on December, 15th. SensTools provides a set of hardware and software tools for the WSN430 platform. Some basic drivers and several OSes are provided.


Participants : Antoine Fraboulet, Guillaume Salagnac.

SensAS is an INRIA national ADT project started in December 2010.

The SENSAS project's ambition is to support the development of innovative applications from INRIA EPIS involving several networks of sensors / actuators and / or fleets of robots. From the strong experience in sensor networks, the idea is to build and pool equipment and software in order to have a leverage at the application level. The target applications are selected monitoring / intrusion detection by a fleet robot, self organizing fleets of drones flying biologging applications in the field of health and supervision of large networks of sensors. The SENSAS ADT will amplify skills transfer and facilitate access to implementation of sensor networks technology. In deploying demonstrators at the forefront of technology, the SENSAS ADT showcases the technological expertise and scientific excellence of INRIA who established his reputation in this field.

Amazones is leader of the WP4: SensBOX : software suite for sensor and actuator networks.